Satirical Comedy from Tarky – Part 4
Rogers was also delighted with the purchase of the Silver Six; not only because it was considerably more comfortable and safer than any of Tarky`s [Read More]
Rogers was also delighted with the purchase of the Silver Six; not only because it was considerably more comfortable and safer than any of Tarky`s [Read More]
“Tarquin Walter Algenon Tythrington!” is back and not looking forwards to Xmas… ‘Tarky’ closes his eyes and winces gently as he recalls the conversation with the [Read More]
Tarky is in high spirits as he looks forward to meeting the splendid chaps who make up the membership of the motor club and smiles [Read More]
The fact that Tarquin Walter Algenon Tythrington is known by the sum of his initials is all you really need to know. Tarky is a [Read More]
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