Williams Automobiles Castle Combe Track Day – Wednesday 16th July

Castle Combe Track Day
There were many Morgan's

Morgan main dealer Williams Automobiles is organising a charity event in the form of a Castle Combe Track Day in Wiltshire (UK) on Wednesday 16 July. Priced at £199.00 per driver and car, with extra drivers and spectators at £25.00 each this year’s annual event is in aid of St Peters Hospice with all profits from the day going straight to them.

The Williams Automobiles Castle Combe Track Day is suitable for any open or closed wheel car, Morgan or otherwise, up to a maximum of 100DBA, a measurement taken at 45 degrees to each exhaust exit with the engine revving at 3/4 of the maximum you declare (the Scrutineers present will of course have a view as to what that might be for your car before you decide to play it safe by halving what you say it revs to).

Castle Combe Track Day
Is it time to stretch your classics legs properly at Williams Automobiles Castle Combe Track Day

Williams Automobile shall also be having a BBQ the night before their Castle Combe Track Day at the showroom on the 15th July in the evening for those who are travelling down and staying overnight at local B&Bs or for anyone who just fancies a bite to eat. If you would like to join them at this event please let them know in advance so they can sort the catering out.

Castle Combe Track Day
Cobra Rep’s are always a welcome sight

For anyone travelling any distance and needing somewhere to stay then Williams Automobiles recommends The Cross Hands Hotel in Old Sodbury.

Also, if you can’t make the day but would still like to make a donation please send cheques made out to St Peters Hospice to Williams Automobiles, Totteroak Courtyard, Horton, Chipping Sodbury, BS376QG.

To participate in the Williams Automobiles Castle Combe Track Day on Wednesday 16th July contact Elles Williams directly using the online form below or ring 01454 315 112 for further details and an entry form. Be quick though as places are bound to get snapped up quickly.

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